Integrations > LinkedIn

About LinkedIn

LinkedIn is the world’s largest professional network on the internet. LinkedIn connects the world’s professionals to make them more productive and successful.


Basic Job Posting

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Basic Job Posting lets you post free jobs directly to LinkedIn from your ATS. These jobs are visible to candidates conducting a job search or viewing a company’s LinkedIn Page.

Apply Connect

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Apply Connect allows you to post jobs to LinkedIn and collect application information, profile data, and valuable insights directly in JobScore once an applicant completes a job application on LinkedIn.

Apply with LinkedIn

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Apply with LinkedIn is a plugin for your career site that enables candidates to apply using their LinkedIn profile, streamlining the application process and driving higher conversions.

Recruiter System Connect

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Recruiter System Connect (RSC) integrates LinkedIn Recruiter with JobScore. RSC allows you to quickly access real-time candidate data without having to constantly switch back & forth.

Unified Search

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Unified Search allows you to search and source from LinkedIn and your ATS simultaneously.

Recommended Matches

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Recommended Matches automatically sources & recommends candidates that best match your job requisition.