Design unique approval workflows for specific jobs and departments
Fast, easy, mobile optimized approvals help you close candidates quickly.

JobScore is designed to be the single source of recruiting truth by pulling information from other systems through powerful integrations.
We help you measure recruiting so you can spend wisely, improve continuously and stay compliant.
Our success team digs through your data to understand what’s happening, show you what you’re missing and help you take advantage of what’s new.
We’ll leverage our 10+ years of experience working with 1,000+ businesses to recommend best practices that drive recruiting efficiency and results.

We don’t just think recruiting is a team sport, we see ourselves as part of your recruiting team.
We only see ourselves as successful when you achieve your hiring goals.
We’re here to help your employees get the most out of JobScore to achieve your hiring goals.
We regularly chat with enterprise customers about how JobScore can make life easier.
While every JobScore customer has a voice, enterprise customers have more influence on our product roadmap.